Tag Amazon

The top 25 global websites from the 2022 Web Globalization Report Card

I’m pleased to announce the publication of the 2022 Web Globalization Report Card.  This is the 18th annual edition of the Report Card, and it reflects another difficult year. And yet there is much to be optimistic about as we look…

Websites celebrate Chinese New Year: The Year of the Ox

This has become a bit of an annual tradition for me, taking a virtual tour of a number of global brands, seeing how they celebrate Lunar New Year (牛年), particularly to customers in China. As in years past, the color…

For Flipkart (Walmart) and India: English is not enough

Earlier this month, I wrote about Amazon and India. Now let’s look at Walmart and India, via Flipkart, the leading online marketplace in India. Walmart acquired 77 percent of the company last year. According to TechCrunch, Flipkart is (finally) adding…

The internet may connect devices, but language connects people.

I had an OpEd published this week in the Los Angeles Times about the importance of languages — and the slow but steady increase in languages supported by the world’s leading brands… America’s biggest brands are increasingly multilingual

What’s the world’s most multilingual website? (2018 update)

A few months ago, I wrote an essay for Multilingual in which I noted that the world’s most multilingual website isn’t Google or Facebook or even Wikipedia. It is the website of the Jehovah’s Witnesses. As I noted in the…