Mailchimp keeps making rookie mistakes

I know it appears that I’m out to punish Mailchimp — as I first started calling out its rookie mistakes back in 2021. I am a paid subscriber so I feel as if I’ve at least earned the right. What…

Mailchimp’s curious global gateway misstep

A little more than a year ago I wrote about Mailchimp’s improved global gateway. Here is what you would have seen in the header back then: And here is the header today: Much has clearly changed, but I’d like you…

How to create a successful global gateway

If someone from outside the US lands on your US-centric .com home page, what is their first impression? And what if they don’t speak English? What visual and textual clues will they look for when searching for a localized websites…

Why use geolocation?

Here’s a reason, courtesy of Wimbledon… To learn more about web globalization best practices, register for Lead the World to Your Website, taking place October 27th.

Global websites and Ecuador, a brief tour

I was in Ecuador recently and carved a bit of time to visit a few global websites — as in the .com address of global brands — to see just how successfully (or not) these brands localize for Ecuadorians. No…

The “not applicable” global gateway

When I see NA I generally think “not applicable.” Which was why I gave the Corpay global gateway a second look when I visited recently: Naturally, I clicked on the globe icon — which, by the way, is the perfect…

Have we reached “peak” language?

We’ve heard of peak oil and peak TV to indicate a point in time when growth ends and decline begins. It appears that we have reached a similar peak in languages. Last year was the first time in 19 editions…

What’s your Global Navigation Strategy?

And do you even have a global navigation strategy? For example, if someone from outside the US lands on your US-centric .com home page, what is their experience? Surprisingly, even companies that support 50 or more localized websites don’t often…

The Year of the Rabbit

Lunar New Year is here and, with it, my whirlwind tour of global and local websites taking full advantage of this holiday. Here was my tour last year of the year of the tiger. Not surprisingly, the celebratory color red…