Apple web localization in India appears to be working
I always perk up when I see data that supports web localization. According to this article, Apple launching a dedicated ecommerce website for India last year led to a significant …
I always perk up when I see data that supports web localization. According to this article, Apple launching a dedicated ecommerce website for India last year led to a significant …
Very interesting New York Times article on Harley-Davidson’s decision to close its Indian factory and effectively cease selling motorcycles in a market where motocycles are hugely popular. But Harleys are …
In technology, as in life, actions speak louder than words. And if you look at the actions Amazon has been taking over the past 18 months, it’s clear that Amazon …
In 2008, Google launched a project called Knol. Remember it? It was designed to replace Wikipedia. Google apparently wasn’t happy that so many of its visitors were quickly abandoning it …
#serveinmylanguage It’s more than a hashtag; it’s a social movement. And it’s growing. A movement among Indian consumers to force the vendors who depend on their business to actually support …
Mary Meeker of Kleiner Perkins released her 2017 Internet Trends report today — the mother of all PowerPoint decks. I last commented on the 2014 deck. A few slides jumped out at …
Flipkart has long been the dominant ecommerce retailer in India, but Amazon is no longer content to remain in second place. Amazon launched its Great Indian Festival promotion this week with free prizes including a …
To date, there have been 33 internationalized domain name (IDN) requests across 22 languages. Most recently, India and Korea passed the string evaluation stage with their IDNs. I’ve updated my IDN …