A country code top-level-domains (ccTLD) has traditionally been used to signify a country-specific web site or resource, or simply to tell users where a given organization is located. For example, Russia’s leading search engine, Yandex, is hosted at www.yandex.ru and The Holy See hosts its site at www.vatican.va (.va = Vatican City).
Then along came the the marketing of .TV.
This ccTLD, owned by the island nation of Tuvalu, was licensed and packaged as the ultimate domain for any media property. And though the domain hasn’t exactly become as popular as .COM, a precedent had been set — ccTLDs weren’t just for country-specific properties anymore.
Then along came Delicio.us, a company that cleverly embedded the United States ccTLD into its brand name.
First ccTLD were freed from their borders. Then they found themselves melded into brand names.
And here we are today, with a growing number of companies that have registered country code top-level-domains (ccTLDs) not as appendages to their brand names, but as part of their brand names. By my count, more than 30 ccTLDs are now used as part of corporate brand names — or as branded “link shorteners” along the lines of bit.ly.
If you have anything to add, please contact me.
- amzn.to
- art.sy
- Bi.ng (Bing.com)
- Bit.ly
- Bre.ad
- Cloud.li
- Delicio.us
- drop.io
- econ.st (Economist)
- Elbo.ws
- Favicon.cc
- fav.or.it
- FB.me
- Fits.me
- FormSpring.Me
- good.is
- goo.gl
- graphic.ly
- imo.im
- Instagr.am
- Is.gd
- isup.me
- itsalmo.st
- itun.es
- j.mp
- Kissa.be
- Knx.to
- look.fo
- McAf.ee
- Mag.ma
- Mediaqueri.es
- MoPho.to
- MyID.is
- notify.me
- Outside.in
- N.pr (National Public Radio)
- Nyti.ms
- Ow.ly
- Page.ly
- Pdk.to
- Pen.io
- Photocheck.in
- Pi.pe
- Rafi.ki
- Short.LA
- So.cl
- Spot.us
- Su.pr
- T.co (Twitter)
- Time.is
- Tcrn.ch
- Tr.im
- wp.me
- YouTu.be
- .ad – Andorra
- .am – Armenia
- .be – Belgium
- .ch – Switzerland
- .cl – Colombia
- .fo – Faroe Islands
- .ee – Estonia
- .gd – Grenada
- .gl – Greenland
- .im – Isle of Man
- .in – India
- .io – British Indian Ocean Territory
- .is – Iceland
- .it – Italy
- .ki – Kiribati.la – Laos
- .li – Lichtenstein
- .ly – Libya
- .ma – Morocco
- .me – Montenegro
- .mp – Northern Mariana Islands
- .ms – Montserrat
- .ng – Nigeria
- .pe – Peru
- .pr – Puerto Rico
- .es – Spain
- .st – Sao Tome & Principe
- .sy – Syria
- .to – Tonga
- .us – United States
Thanks to AusRegistry and Gunnar Bittersmann for input.
For a handy map of all ccTLDs, check out the Country Codes of the World.
Foot.ie is admittely an Irish soccer site, but the intention was always to spell out Footie. Unfortunately many of our netizens don’t get it, and call the site “Foot”. I kid you not. 🙂
Oh, I also have explic.it (inactive), perm.it (mail filter) and verbo.se (blog). I’m a collector. 🙂
Trust me…there are many more coming like this!
If you or your company are interested in obtaining a short or unique domain name in the .mp ccTLD (like the one we provided j.mp) then please contact us at support @ get.mp
You have other exemples, including cr.yp.to and i.am at wikipedia: at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Domain_hack