.Com turns 150
As in 150 million. According to Verisign, there are now more than 150 million registrations of .com (of which I account for about a dozen): .Com remains the most popular …
As in 150 million. According to Verisign, there are now more than 150 million registrations of .com (of which I account for about a dozen): .Com remains the most popular …
Verisign has owned rights to the .com domain for many years, and profited enormously. So it’s no surprise that the company has been eager to see continued profits from language/script-specific …
And so it begins. Verisign, the registrar that manages .com domains, has begun its rollout of non-Latin .com equivalents, beginning with Japanese: Now, if you don’t have a Japanese domain name, …
Imagine if, every time you wanted to visit a website, you were expected to type in letters from a foreign language, or worse, an entirely foreign script, such as Arabic, …
Verisign published its quarterly industry brief a few weeks ago. In it, the guide includes the top 10 ccTLDs, reprinted below: There are now more than 81 million registered ccTLD domains, which comprise …