Pull-Down Menus Are A Global Problem
As companies add more and more localized Web sites to their portfolio, they are increasingly resorting to using pull-down menus for navigation. Yet as the FedEx gateway (below) illustrates, pull-down …
As companies add more and more localized Web sites to their portfolio, they are increasingly resorting to using pull-down menus for navigation. Yet as the FedEx gateway (below) illustrates, pull-down …
Here is a very nice article by Evelyn Olsen on the New Zealand translation industry. Her company is NZTC, and for those who manage competitive companies, I recommend taking a …
The Localization Industry Standards Assocation (LISA) offers a free localization primer available for download. The guide is available in 9 languages, including Arabic. Over 52 pages, the guide covers the …
The USC Online Journalism Review has an excellent article about the state of Internet penetration in Africa. Needless to say, this region has largely missed out on the Internet revolution, …
Global Web site navigation is a hot topic these days, and it seems every site has a slightly different way of solving that eternal problem of getting people to their …
New York Times columnist Tom Friedman has neatly divided globalization into three software-like stages, as follows: The first era, from the late 1800’s to World War I, was driven by …
Google continues its global growth campaign by launching News Alerts in four additional languages: French – www.google.fr/newsalerts German – www.google.de/newsalerts Italian – www.google.it/newsalerts Spanish – www.google.es/newsalerts Google also has localized …
Documentum is a developer of well-regarded content management software. It also offers a software package that helps companies manage multilingual Web sites. And yet the Documentum Web site itself could …
Microsoft likes to make a big deal of how global a company it is, and for good reason. The company now makes more money from outside the US than from …
The Pew Global Attitudes Project recently released the results of a study that show remarkable differences between how different age groups (and cultures) view globalization. You can download the complete …
From Verizon Wireless to Office Depot, executives have finally awakened to the importance of the Spanish-speaking market within the US. Consider the following stats, compliments of The Cobalt Group: The …
It looks like global warming is going to be a key issue this election season, and for good reason. I, for one, do believe that global warming is happening and …
The NY Times published an article yesterday about a relatively new literary journal that publishes only translated prose. It is called Words Without Borders: www.wordswithoutborders.org. Why is such a journal …
The San Francisco Chronicle recently interviewed with Carol Bartz, chairman, president, and chief executive officer of Autodesk. Clearly, this is one company commited to taking full advantage of globalization — …
And now for the sobering aspect of my trip to the Antarctic. The naturalists on board our ship told us that the water temperature in the region has increased a …