Note to Google Books: Please rotate
I just noticed that the book I wrote several years ago Beyond Borders: Web Globalization Strategies is now up on Google Books. I appears though that Google still has a …
I just noticed that the book I wrote several years ago Beyond Borders: Web Globalization Strategies is now up on Google Books. I appears though that Google still has a …
Firefox 3.5 is now out and available in more than 70 languages. Yes, 70 languages. Naturally, I was curious to learn how many languages the other browsers currently support. Here …
Disclaimer: I work for Microsoft, so take this with a grain of salt. Since Bing launched I’ve been thinking a lot about search engines and how I use them. I’ve …
Bing recently added a nifty new translation feature — one that is so simple and in many ways so obvious that I can’t help wondering why Google never got around …
According to my search on “web globalization” in Google Timeline: I’m not sure I agree with this graph, but those were some heady days back in 2000. From my humble …
Only a few days after Microsoft announces a widget to bring machine translation into your Web site’s home page, Google takes a step towards integrating machine translation into its home …
It was just over a year ago that Facebook started localizing itself for the world. As I noted then, the company utilized crowdsourcing to spur its translation efforts. And though …
Google Translate now handles PDF files — says the unofficial Google blog. I haven’t tried it yet. It looks like you have to post PDF files and then link to …
Google marches ahead with its machine translation engine, adding Turkish, Thai, Hungarian, Estonian, Albanian, Maltese, and Galician. This time last year, Google supported a mere 13 languages, which was in …
Google Translate recently added 11 languages to its impressive portfolio of supported languages. To give you an idea of just how aggressive Google has been in this area, here is …
Inspired by our Country Codes of the World map, I developed a smaller version that includes the ccTLDs currently in use by Google for its local search engines. As you …
The post I wrote on the Google Translation Center has been the most-visited page on this blog over the past month. Clearly, Google has struck a nerve in the translation …
Is it just me or does the new Google Chrome icon remind you of the old Simon game of the 1980s. Yes, I know I’m dating myself here, but I …
It’s not much, but it’s a start. Basically, Google says you don’t necessarily have to register a country code for each country Web site (though it certainly helps). But if …
I read about a startup (via Techcrunch) recently called mloovi. The service leverages Google Translate to provide real-time translations of your blog feed. I’ve installed the widget over on the …