Engrish, The Book
You can find a Web site devoted to pretty much anything on the Internet. The Web site Enrgish.com is devoted to ” humorous English mistakes that appear in Japanese advertising …
You can find a Web site devoted to pretty much anything on the Internet. The Web site Enrgish.com is devoted to ” humorous English mistakes that appear in Japanese advertising …
Here is an interesting Q&A with Peter Moore, global marketing chief of Microsoft’s Xbox. They have offered a subscription-based, online Xbox service for a couple years now and we find …
Every culture has lucky and unlucky numbers. In the US, you’ll be hard-pressed to find the 13th floor in New York City. According to CNN, someone in China paid $215,000 …
The BBC has launched a new feature for Welsh speakers who aren’t too fluent in English. The Web application is called Vocab. Here’s an article excerpt: Vocab lets users hold …
SDL announced that it has released a Chinese version of its translation memory tool SDLX. The company claims that this is the “first time a major translation technology player has …
About a month ago I wrote about how iTunes had currently been localized for three markets. My how time flies. The last I checked the iTunes Music Store now supports …
Martin Duerst pointed out a global gateway that has to be a first of its kind, shown below: What isn’t obvious in the photo is that these flags are actually …
Fast Company features a short article on the challenges of managing global teams. This is a real challenge that global Web teams face. Conference calls must be shuffled constantly to …
Language Weaver, a San Diego-based developer of machine translation software, scored additional funding from In-Q-Tel, the VC arm of the CIA (yes, even the CIA likes to gamble). It appears …
Nielsen/Netratings released its latest count of Internet users by country. Keep in mind that some of the most booming markets are left off this chart, such as China, India and …
Globalization services firm Moravia is hiring bizdev people throughout the US. Check out the latest job listings here. Is your translation or globalization services firm hiring? Let me know and …