WordPress Translation Day recap
Looks like the most recent WordPress Translation Day was a linguistic success. Here are the details from WP Tavern: Events in 35 countries (see map below) 183 new contributors 12 …
Looks like the most recent WordPress Translation Day was a linguistic success. Here are the details from WP Tavern: Events in 35 countries (see map below) 183 new contributors 12 …
Did you know that (US) English accounts for fewer than half of all WordPress interfaces currently in use? As you can see below, courtesy of WordPress, English still technically accounts …
From my guest post for Gigaom: When a software company asks me if I think its new product will succeed globally, I typically respond by asking: Is your product translation …
The Universal Declaration of Human Rights has been translated into 370 languages Here’s the full list. But if you’re less into reading and more into listening, the folks at SoundCloud have …
The Khan Academy is out to revolutionize education by providing a free online education through lots and lots of well-produced videos. A core component of this revolution is the subtitling …
Earlier this year, TED began recruiting volunteers to translate its recorded presentations, known as TED Talks. It looks like the venture is off to a strong start. According to TED, …