Most Popular Posts of 2006 (Belated Edition)
Okay, so I finally got around to reviewing 2006 stats for Global by Design. My goal is to install a real-time “most popular” sidebar; until then, here are the most …
Okay, so I finally got around to reviewing 2006 stats for Global by Design. My goal is to install a real-time “most popular” sidebar; until then, here are the most …
In September, news leaked out that eBay was rethinking its China strategy. Today this strategy becomes a bit more clear. The Wall Street Journal reports that eBay is effectively pulling …
Guest Article: By John Greenwood InterPro Translation Solutions There are choices you must consider when translating for some countries with multiple languages and into some languages that are used in …
Baidu— the Chinese search engine that bears a striking resemblance to Google — is planning to enter the Japanese search market. Says this Reuters article Baidu “said its decision, which …
Chief Executive Magazine recently featured a brief Q&A with Jim Donald, CEO of Starbucks. He shed some light on the company’s global strategy. in short, Starbucks is trying to change …
According to Shanghai Daily by way of another news outlet, “Hong Kong-listed is going to announce its takeover of eBay’s China division and its PayPal service.” It was less …
The Pew Global Attitudes Project recently conducted a survey of citizens of Japan, China, Pakistan, and India. Conclusion: These people don’t like each other all that much. Between contested territories, …
Google vs. Baidu is the heavyweight battle of the Chinese Internet market. And a lot of media coverage is being devoted to analyzing this fight. Based on what’s out there …
By guest author: Marc Garnaut Spark Media Lab I’ve been sharing my morning coffee for the past year or two with the “yee-ha”s of corporate wagons circling and the “forward-ho”cries …
According to The Beijing News, via Rich Kuslan’s blog, Dell lost a suit against a research institute over the fact that its name sounds too much like Dell’s transliterated name. …
By guest author: Saul Gitlin, EVP-Strategic Services Kang & Lee Advertising – A Young & Rubicam Brands/WPP Group Company As a non-Asian student in the 1980’s who graduated with a …
Perhaps I’m a curmudgeon, but I don’t want to give up my old Yahoo! Web site for the “new and improved” Yahoo! that is coming — whether I like it …
Welocalize announced today that it had made the Inc 500 list for a second year in a row. The company moved up from 407 last year to 327 this year, …
Bettina Speckman has created a rectangular map of the world’s poputation, in which the size of the rectangle is relative to the size of a given country’s population. It really …
UPS recently hired a Chinese market research firm to survey 1,200 “Chuppies” Chinese, urban, middle-class consumers. What they found is good news for American companies looking to expand into this …