Selected slides from Mary Meeker’s 2019 Internet trends report
I always enjoy skimming through Mary Meeker’s annual survey of global Internet trends (now via Bond Capital). What follows are a few slides that jumped out at me. Let’s begin …
I always enjoy skimming through Mary Meeker’s annual survey of global Internet trends (now via Bond Capital). What follows are a few slides that jumped out at me. Let’s begin …
Along the theme of holiday travel, I give you David Brent’s rendition of the Freelove Highway… This never fails to make me laugh.
For a limited time, we’ve bundled together our popular typewriter notecards with Midge Raymond’s new book on writing. The bundle is just $25 while supplies last.
Awhile back I printed up a batch of typewriter notecards based on a typewriter I had rescued years ago. It turns out a lot people love these notecards, so we …
Just when I think that news websites can’t get any more painful to look at, I visit the home page of the San Diego Union Tribune: I think there is …
Now this is the sort of sign I would expect to see on a car in Silicon Valley.
Yes, I have a fondness for typewriters. And, yes, I am old enough to have actually used one regularly. Mostly, I miss the way they sound. I’ve memorialized two of …
Perhaps you’ve received an email with this message in the footer: I’ve received plenty of these messages over the past few years. And I got to thinking that if we’re …
As many of you know, I recently published the novel The Tourist Trail. These days, many writers also produce “book trailers” to promote their works. But since my book is …
There is a woman who set out to read (and review) a book a day for a year. Not Moby-Dick, mind you. Books of a certain length. And she did …
Offtopic, I know, but I have to share. This is a photo of an eagle I snapped yesterday. Normally, I’m a second too late for these types of pics. Such …
Am I missing something here? The page title for the Drudge Report is dated 2010. Maybe Drudge is just anxious to usher in a new year…
Midge, as many of your know, not only runs Byte Level, she writes. Short stories mostly. Lots of short stories. And short stories aren’t exactly where the fast bucks are …
This post has absolutely nothing to do with web globalization. You’ve been warned. About two years ago Midge and I took a cruise to Svalbard, a group of islands a …