You say Sea of Japan. I say East Sea.
Who said the life of a map maker isn’t interesting? Every other day it seems there is another disputed territory, which usually means another disputed name. I’ve already mentioned the …
Who said the life of a map maker isn’t interesting? Every other day it seems there is another disputed territory, which usually means another disputed name. I’ve already mentioned the …
Ethan Shen, who has become quite an expert on the various machine translation (MT) engines, has launched a nifty web service designed to help you improve your language skills: Gabble …
If you haven’t visited the Noun Project yet, take a moment and drop by. It’s a great initiative to provide open source icons. All you have to do is provide …
Remember the Falklands War? I do and, yes, this does make me feel a little old. For those of you who don’t remember, the war was fought over a group …
Lior Libman of One Hour Translation has released a web tool that you can use to quickly determine if text was translated by one of the three major machine translation …
Two months ago I wrote about an effort to evaluate the quality of the three major free machine translation (MT) engines: Google Translate Bing (Microsoft) Translator Yahoo! Babelfish Ethan Shen …
Disclaimer: I work for Microsoft, so take this with a grain of salt. Since Bing launched I’ve been thinking a lot about search engines and how I use them. I’ve …
Bing recently added a nifty new translation feature — one that is so simple and in many ways so obvious that I can’t help wondering why Google never got around …