How many TLDs are there?

I love this visual, via ICANN, a diagram of the world’s top-level domains (TLDs) — all 280 of them.


The overwhelming majority of TLDs are country codes, most of which are included in the poster I published about a year ago.

Looking ahead, I would expect the “g” domains to multiply in number. These generic TLDs include domains such as .biz and .info. ICANN recently opened a call for applications to open gTLDs for governments and corporations.

New gTLDs could include “.coke” and “.paris.” It remains to be seen if companies are willing to put up the cash to get these domains, but I’m fairly certain a good many will.

But for now at least the total number of TLDs stands at 280.

1 thought on “How many TLDs are there?”

  1. The new DNS software for consumer’s CPE devices (set-top-boxes) will
    now support 4,096 DLDs instead of
    2,048 DLDs.

    Names of the form NAME.INC are first looked up as

    There is no need for much of what ICANN claims to do. The selection of TLDs is automated.

    By the way, since .COM is used as the base. The .BIZ name space will be re-worked.

    Since 1999, the number of DLDs has been expanded
    from 2,048 to 4,096. Here is some of the old list:

    10514 INC
    9264 ONLINE
    7288 NET
    6472 USA
    4481 GROUP
    4101 WEB
    3891 TECH
    3077 UK
    2762 DESIGN
    2570 SYSTEMS
    2542 IT
    2415 US
    2378 SOLUTIONS
    2322 LINE
    2209 LAW
    2161 INFO
    2033 SERVICES
    2027 WORLD
    1966 SOFTWARE
    1932 INTL
    1880 CORP
    1874 CO
    1803 SHOP
    1795 FRANCE
    1720 HOMES
    1671 S
    1638 ART
    1603 TV
    1587 TRAVEL
    1555 MAIL
    1534 EUROPE
    1529 DIRECT
    1491 MEDIA
    1487 MALL
    1431 E
    1419 LTD
    1411 1
    1361 SERVICE
    1342 2000
    1339 Z
    1301 NETWORK
    1289 NEWS
    1269 INT
    1232 SA
    1217 CENTER
    1216 CLUB
    1202 MARKETING
    1177 REALTY
    1161 MUSIC
    1149 STORE
    1144 INSURANCE
    1108 I
    1101 COM
    1083 PRODUCTS
    1068 JP
    1045 GMBH
    1041 X
    1022 SALES
    1018 PLUS
    1000 LINK
    999 AMERICA
    995 INDIA
    993 ONE
    981 HOME
    979 SEX
    968 JOBS
    955 ENT
    945 CHINA
    934 GUIDE
    928 SOFT
    926 FR
    919 CITY
    908 INTERNET
    904 NOW
    900 ASSOC

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