Think Socially; Act Globally

Earlier this year I was asked about how best to align global social media content with global websites.

My answer ultimately resulted in this article in Multilingual.

When asked by a reporter why he robbed banks, the stick-up man Willie Sutton reportedly answered, “Because that’s where the money is.” 

Accordingly, companies invest heavily in creating content specifically for social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and TikTok — because that’s where the people are. According to research from Statista, internet users world-wide spend an average of nearly two and a half hours on social media every day.

Developing content for these platforms — across languages and locations — leads to many questions, such as how to best organize the content so it is readily discovered by users on these platforms. This article provides recommendations for how to manage content across social media to be best aligned with your overall website globalization strategy.
