Happy Year of the Snake

This week the dragon gives way to the snake.

And, with it, a number of global brands eager to make the most of lunar new year celebrations.

Let’s begin with Nike, now promoting a mix of snake-festooned clothing.

Apple didn’t localize any products but did create a clever take on its logo:

Luxury brands have struggled as of late in China. So perhaps this holiday will spur on a few sales; Gucci also created unique products for the occasion:

And who says we can’t have snake-themed jewelry as well?

Chanel offers a mix of gift sets, but nothing truly unique.

And, lastly, Mercedes splashed a celebratory promotion but this looks a bit tired to me.

And perhaps the snake is the most fitting animal for a year that promises tariffs and trade wars. Staying close to the ground and out of the line of fire is a pose that many multinationals will be emulating in the year ahead.