Miller Lite launches a Super Bowl ad that blends lengthy URLs with localization

Finally, a Super Bowl ad that a web localization geek can get excited about.

This Sunday, Miller Lite will run an ad featuring a painfully long URL that viewers must enter into their web browsers for a chance at winning a six pack of beer.

Pointless marketing stunt you say?

Precisely. And the URL that Miller Lite has registered says about as much:

This URL, at 60+ characters, is not the ultimate challenge. The challenge comes during the Super Bowl when viewers must race to enter the following 630+ character URL (only the first 5,000 to do so get the free beer):

Okay, now for the reason I find this promotion interesting.

If you click on the short URL you will arrive to this web page, which displays the much-longer URL that you will be required to enter:

If you click on the Español link you’ll see a localized URL:

The base URL is localized ( as well as the entire text string. Very nice to see!

Miller Lite not only localized this Super Bowl promotion, but is promoting it prominently.

In case you’re wondering, these URLs can’t be copied and pasted — they are embedded within images — but I’m sure someone will post the text string on Twitter so we can all invest countless minutes attempting to win a six pack of beer.