For the 2022 Web Globalization Report Card, we benchmarked the following 7 professional services websites:

  • Accenture
  • Capgemini
  • Deloitte
  • Ernst & Young
  • Goldman Sachs
  • KPMG
  • PwC

Deloitte retained its lead for another year, with KPMG close behind.

In regards to language additions and other global improvements 2021 was a relatively quiet year. Two companies did add languages: Ernst & Young and Goldman Sachs.

Deloitte continues to excel in support for a globally consistent template as seen here with Japan and the US:

Deloitte was the first professional services company to use the generic globe icon, and we’re happy to see it remain there in the header. However, we recommend that Deloitte upgrade the icon into the header of the mobile website as well; it remains hidden under the menu:

Where Deloitte excels is in its investment in and promotion of locally relevant content. Shown below are excerpts from dedicated blogs for Spain and Germany:

While companies continue to spend millions of dollars to Google to keep its brand at the top of search rankings, they continue to under-invest in local and timely content, which creates higher organic search results — and the richer experience for local visitors (which is the ultimate goal after all).

Additional highlights from the report:

  • The professional services sector has long been a laggard in global reach, though there are signs of improvement. As a group, they average 27 languages, which is below average but much higher than just a few years ago.
  • Ernst & Young neared the completion of the global rollout of its new design, which saw a rebound in linguist reach. The design itself does still require improvement from a global perspective.
  • Capgemini lags the leaders in languages but did make progress over the past year in improving global consistency.

Professional services websites reflect highly decentralized corporate structures, with support for locally generated content and social feeds. As such, it can be challenging to corral all these disparate offices and regions onto a shared template.

And yet Deloitte and KPMG continue to manage these very complex content silos in such a way that users see a consistent whole rather than decentralized chaos.

We devote 19 pages to professional services website profiles. If you have any questions about the report, please feel free to contact me.

To learn more check out the 2022 Web Globalization Report Card and 2022 Web Globalization Best Practices & Emerging Trends.

John Yunker
John Yunker

John is co-founder of Byte Level Research and author of Think Outside the Country as well as 19 editions of The Web Globalization Report Card.

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