The top 50 global websites of 2020

As we pass the mid-point of a very strange year, I wanted to share the top 50 websites from the 2020 Web Globalization Report Card. In years past I’ve limited myself to posting the top 25 companies, but I’m thinking it makes sense to promote a larger group.

In doing so, you’ll see where brands such as Nike and Apple reside — not as highly as they probably should be given their global brand recognition.

And why is this? For starters, both of these companies have, relatively to others, under-invested in languages. Apple supports 35 languages and Nike supports 26 languages, which, compared with the leaders, leaves much room for improvement.

It’s also worth noting that automakers such as BMW, Ford, Chevrolet and Nissan are among the language leaders in this list, averaging roughly 40 languages,, but still lag in scoring due to poor global consistency and global navigation.

You can download a free sample of the Report Card by clicking here and entering your email.

The 2020 Web Globalization Report Card