Idiom Gets Another Boost of VC Cash

I spent some time with the folks at Idiom earlier this week and they are looking bullish on the future of their company in particular and the globalization industry in general. So are their investors, who just ponied up an addition $6 million in cash for sales and marketing, as detailed in this article.

According ot the article, “In January, Idiom said sales doubled for the second straight year during 2004 as several major international companies — including General Motors, Catepillar and Symantec — signed up for its WorldServer family of products. Other customers include: Adobe, Oracle, Motorola and Travelocity.”

I’m in full agreement that the globalization services and software industry is bouncing back nicely this year. And, based on a number of conversations I’ve had over the past six months, I expect we’ll we hearing about additional VC-fueled consolidations and expansion plans in the months ahead.